Today, there are several public forums where one can learn about technical aspects of internationalisation, the linguistic and process aspects of
localisation, or the intricacies of international marketing or finance. But very few opportunities exist for the individual to learn and grow in the area of managing the process and infrastructures of globalisation.
We have assembled a group of speakers with profound leadership responsibilities along with a breadth and depth of experiences from which we all can benefit.
Unlike other conferences, which inundate you with information, then set you loose with your newly-filled brain to digest the content for your own situation,
we have designed the venue for this event to foster peer-level discussion and feedback.
Each session will provide time for the presentation of a problem set, case-study, or solutions, with discussion time, where you apply the concepts and issues presented in your specific industry or corporate culture. The sessions end with time for group discussion, led by the session leader to wrap up the concepts.